raspberryjams' translations site.

Made Me / Make You Chapter 1

Characters: Tori, Tsukasa, Ritsu, Arashi, Izumi, Leo, Mika, Hiyori, Aira

Arashi: ...Hello, Mika-chan? What's the matter, have you gotten yourself lost?

Arashi: Mm-hmm, you're arriving soon? Thank you for going out of your way to tell me.

Arashi: Yes, I've got it. It's fine to take it easy, but be careful, okay?

Arashi: Anzu-chan, it looks like everyone in Pretty 5 will be here in a bit.

Arashi: Now that we're finally opening shop, I'm getting nervous.

Arashi: ...What's wrong, Anzu-chan? Let's welcome them with a smile, you said?

Arashi: Oh dear, did you notice the nervousness on my face?

Arashi: A smiling face is the foundation of good customer service. Smile smile... ♪

Arashi: At any rate, Anzu-chan, thank you for coming here on such short notice.

Arashi: ...You say that you'll always rush to help your Onee-chan no matter what?

Arashi: Ufufu, you told me something nice, didn't you? I can't help but want to give you a big hug.

Arashi: Everyone in Pretty 5 are the only ones coming to today's pre-opening, so I think I can handle the customer service by myself.

Arashi: Still, it's not something I'm used to, so I'm relieved to have someone helping out.

Arashi: More than anything, I wanted to give you an early introduction to this limited-time café "Pretty Room".

Arashi: ...That's right. I've combined "Pretty" and "Tea Room". It's simple, but I like it. ♪

Arashi: I have a friend who's the manager of a fancy store. It's been a lifelong dream of theirs to open a café.

Arashi: They found just the right property, so we decided to open the café for a limited time as a trial run.

Arashi: I'm involved as an advisor and ambassador. The name of the store was also based on my idea.

Arashi: It's a personal activity—or rather, free help—so I don't think it would be good to have any large-scale advertising.

Arashi: It's okay to say something like "This is my friend's café", Anzu-chan?

Arashi: ...Ufufu, that's relieving to hear, Anzu-chan.

Arashi: Yeah. I'll liven up "Pretty Room" while keeping things in moderation.

Arashi: For my friend's dream, I'll do everything in my power to help... ♪

Arashi: ...Ah. It looks like Mika-chan and the others have arrived. Let's welcome them together, Anzu-chan.

Arashi: He~llo, welcome ♪ to "Pretty Room".

Arashi: I welcome you. Come, come, please come in. ♪

Mika: Hello~ Naru-chan, sorry t'keep ya waitin'~

Mika: Nnah~? Anzu-chan's here. Looks like yer wearin' the café uniform, but are ya workin' part time?

Aira: ...Ahh, so you're just helping out today?

Aira: Those clothes really suit you! It's lovely!

Arashi: It's a cute uniform, right? Since it's a pre-opening unveiling event, I asked her to wear it.

Hiyori: It's a fantastic uniform that has both good design and functionality.

Hiyori: It looks good on Anzu-chan, but wouldn't it look good on me, too?

Arashi: As expected of Tomoe-senpai, you understand the concept. When making the uniform, we aimed to create something that anyone is able to wear.

Tori: Hm~m? If I'm not mistaken, were you also involved in the design, Narukami-senpai?

Arashi: That's right~ After all, I am the advisor.

Arashi: ...Well, that's no good. We've been talking while standing for a long time. Please feel free to take any seat you'd like. I'll bring you water right away.

Arashi: Oh? Anzu-chan, did you already bring enough water for everyone? Thank you.

Arashi: Okay, here's the menu. Since it's only the pre-opening, the dishes we can offer are limited.

Arashi: I hope you enjoy "Pretty Room"... ♪

Time: Night of the same day

Location: With Knights after recording a music program

Arashi: (...Ah. Everyone in Pretty 5 is immediately advertising it on SNS.)

Arashi: (There's a lot of comments saying "I'm definitely going." I'm so glad. ♪)

Arashi: (Everyone said unanimously that the meals were delicious. I feel like it was a complete success... ♪)

Izumi: ...Naru-kun, what have you been smirking about since a while ago? It's gross.

Arashi: Well~ I've only been looking at my phone, so excuse me.

Ritsu: Let me see, I wonder what Nacchan is looking at... Oh.

Ritsu: Hmm, Tori-kun's SNS? Mikarin and the others are also in the picture.

Arashi: Since I have the opportunity, I'll advertise it to everyone. Do you remember the "Pretty Room" I was talking about before?

Tsukasa: Ahh... Is that the CAFÉ you're involved with, Narukami-senpai?

Arashi: Yes, that's right. Incidentally, I'm its advisor and ambassador... ♪

Arashi: It's finally opening tomorrow, but today we specially invited everyone in Pretty 5.

Izumi: Hmm. Did you call them so that you would receive some publicity?

Arashi: Izumi-chan, mind your words. Well, I can't deny that it's true.

Arashi: After all, I am collaborating free of charge, so that sort of thing is the only way I can advertise.

Tsukasa: That's right. We are IDOLS. With that title, we need to be careful in regards to how we act publicly.

Tsukasa: If you want to advertise with flair, it's necessary to go through an agency, and you have to pay them. You should proceed with caution.

Arashi: I understand. After confirming with Anzu-chan, I asked her to collaborate only as a friend.

Arashi: I hope to use everyone here as my friend, as well. ♪

Izumi: Eh~ I don't want to go if I'm forced to, you know?

Leo: Wahaha! That's why Sena is a contrarian~

Leo: I'm interested! Let's go, Naru, lead the way! ☆

Arashi: Huh, now?! That's impossible since the store won't open until tomorrow.

Arashi: Jeez, Leo-kun. Listen to me properly, okay?